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Paint Tools and Accessories


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Gilders Sizing Brush RP-5

Gilders Sizing Brush

Our price: $18.05

Kafka Unchained, Vol 1

Kafka Unchained, Vol 1

Our price: $89.99

Kafka's "Cheap Insurance" Paint Strainers

Kafka's Cheap Insurance Paint Strainers

Our price: $11.40

Mack Brush Preservative

Brush oil & Preservative

Our price: $8.69

Metal Brush Box

Metal Brush Box

Our price: $28.92

Paint Bottle

Paint Bottle

Our price: $1.50

Paint Bottle Holder

Paint Bottle Holder

Our price: $20.00

Smooth Stroke

Smooth Stroke

Our price: $5.70

Staedtler Omnichrom Pencils

Staedtler Omnichrom Pencils 

Our price: $2.51

Staedtler Omnichrom Pencils Dozen

Staedtler Omnichrom Pencils 

Our price: $25.83

Steve Kafka Lines and Designs Pinstripe System

Steve Kafka Lines and Designs Pinstripe System

Our price: $80.99

Steve Kafka's Welcome to my World DVDs

Steve Kafka's Welcome to my World DVDs

Our price: $35.99

The Grid

The Grid accurate method of 1 Inch grid lines.

Our price: $11.40

The Reasonably Difficult to Break Cup Holder

Cup Holder

Our price: $11.40

Touch-Up Scraper

Touch-Up Scraper Series 16

Our price: $0.65

Wipe Out Tool Series 2240

Wipe Out Tool Series 2240

Our price: $8.86

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