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Installer Rivet Wheels

Installer Rivet Wheels
Our fleet graphics and vehicle wrap Installers Pin Wheel is made of solid stainless steel to withstand all the rigors of an installers daily requirements. This uniquely designed pin wheel allows fleet graphics and vehicle wrap installers to put air release holes (never use knife slits) into an entire rivet strip of a Big Rig trailer to make your installs much faster and easier than ever before. 19 pins that remain sharp and put a perfect round hole where you need it and can be run all the way up and down an individual rivet or an entire row of rivets as seen on most truck trailers. Said to cut 2.3 hours of install time per trailer application. Do the job right with the right tool for the job!
SKU InstallerRivetWheelSingle
Weight 0.30 lbs
Our price: $11.43
Select Type
.063 Aluminum - 3/4" Radius Corners No Holes
1 Shot Paint Lettering Enamels #6
4" Felt Buffers
.063 Aluminum - 3/4" Radius Corners No Holes 1 Shot Paint Lettering Enamels #6 4" Felt Buffers
Avery Dennison MPI2120 Matte White Permanent 3.4 mil Calendered
GF217 Traffic Graffic 3.0 mil Gloss Clear PVC Laminate
Lettering One Stroke Signwriter Series 160 Sabeline
Avery Dennison MPI2120 Matte White Permanent 3.4 mil Calendered GF217 Traffic Graffic 3.0 mil Gloss Clear PVC Laminate Lettering One Stroke Signwriter Series 160 Sabeline
Sign Gold SOL-GOLD 1.0 mil 22K Large Engine Turn (Solvent/Latex Printable)
Smart500 Removable White Vinyl 3.0 mil Polished Polymeric Flexible Calendered Vinyl with Removable Acrylic Adhesive
Specialty Material PLS ThermoFlex Plus Metallic
Sign Gold SOL-GOLD 1.0 mil 22K Large Engine Turn (Solvent/Latex Printable) Smart500 Removable White Vinyl 3.0 mil Polished Polymeric Flexible Calendered Vinyl with Removable Acrylic Adhesive Specialty Material PLS ThermoFlex Plus Metallic

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